@@ -464,6 +464,40 @@ pub trait Queryable: Clone {
+ /// Delete all entities in the current context and return them
+ fn remove(self) -> DBResult<Self::OutputContainer>
+ where
+ Self: Sized,
+ {
+ let txn = Transaction::new(self.conn())?;
+ struct DeleteTag;
+ let out = self.conn().with_prepared(
+ std::any::TypeId::of::<(Self::StaticVersion, DeleteTag)>(),
+ || {
+ format!(
+ "DELETE FROM `{entity}` WHERE `id` = ({subquery}) RETURNING *",
+ entity = Self::EntityOutput::entity_name(),
+ subquery = self
+ .build()
+ .replace(
+ QueryPart::Columns,
+ format!("`{}`.`id`", Self::EntityOutput::entity_name())
+ )
+ .assemble()
+ )
+ },
+ |mut ctx| {
+ // starting index is 1
+ let mut index = 1;
+ self.bind(&mut ctx, &mut index);
+ <Self::OutputContainer>::assemble_from(self.conn(), ctx)
+ },
+ )?;
+ txn.commit()?;
+ Ok(out)
+ }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Filtering methods
// Filtering methods
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------