@@ -1,173 +1,5 @@
-use serde::de::Visitor;
-use std::cell::Cell;
-use std::rc::Rc;
-struct EmptySequence {}
-impl<'de> serde::de::SeqAccess<'de> for EmptySequence {
- type Error = super::ModelError;
- fn next_element_seed<T: serde::de::DeserializeSeed<'de>>(
- &mut self,
- _seed: T,
- ) -> Result<Option<T::Value>, Self::Error> {
- Ok(None)
- }
-pub struct CreateDeserializer<'de> {
- struct_visited: bool,
- column_types: Vec<&'static str>,
- expected_length: Rc<Cell<usize>>,
- _de: std::marker::PhantomData<&'de u8>,
-impl<'de> CreateDeserializer<'de> {
- fn integral_type(&mut self) {
- self.column_types.push("integer");
- }
-impl<'de, 'a> serde::de::Deserializer<'de> for &'a mut CreateDeserializer<'de> {
- type Error = super::ModelError;
- // we (ab)use the forward_to_deserialize_any! macro to stub out the types we don't care about
- serde::forward_to_deserialize_any! {
- bool i128 u128 f32 f64 char str
- option unit unit_struct tuple
- tuple_struct map enum identifier ignored_any
- }
- fn deserialize_any<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, _v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- todo!()
- }
- fn deserialize_u8<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.integral_type();
- v.visit_u8(0)
- }
- fn deserialize_u16<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.integral_type();
- v.visit_u16(0)
- }
- fn deserialize_u32<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.integral_type();
- v.visit_u32(0)
- }
- fn deserialize_u64<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.integral_type();
- v.visit_u64(0)
- }
- fn deserialize_i8<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.integral_type();
- v.visit_i8(0)
- }
- fn deserialize_i16<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.integral_type();
- v.visit_i16(0)
- }
- fn deserialize_i32<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.integral_type();
- v.visit_i32(0)
- }
- fn deserialize_i64<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.integral_type();
- v.visit_i64(0)
- }
- fn deserialize_string<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.column_types.push("text");
- v.visit_string("".to_owned())
- }
- fn deserialize_bytes<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.column_types.push("blob");
- v.visit_bytes(&[])
- }
- fn deserialize_byte_buf<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- self.column_types.push("blob");
- v.visit_bytes(&[])
- }
- fn deserialize_seq<V: Visitor<'de>>(self, v: V) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- // we store sequences as JSON-encoded strings, so...
- self.column_types.push("text");
- let es = EmptySequence {};
- v.visit_seq(es)
- }
- fn deserialize_struct<V: Visitor<'de>>(
- self,
- _name: &'static str,
- fields: &'static [&'static str],
- v: V,
- ) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- if self.struct_visited {
- panic!("Nested structs not allowed!");
- } else {
- self.struct_visited = true;
- self.expected_length.set(fields.len());
- v.visit_seq(self)
- }
- }
- fn deserialize_newtype_struct<V: Visitor<'de>>(
- self,
- _name: &'static str,
- v: V,
- ) -> Result<V::Value, Self::Error> {
- let elength = self.expected_length.clone();
- let old_elength = elength.get();
- elength.set(1);
- let ret = v.visit_seq(self);
- elength.set(old_elength);
- ret
- }
-impl<'de> serde::de::SeqAccess<'de> for CreateDeserializer<'de> {
- type Error = super::ModelError;
- fn next_element_seed<T: serde::de::DeserializeSeed<'de>>(
- &mut self,
- seed: T,
- ) -> Result<Option<T::Value>, Self::Error> {
- if self.expected_length.get() == 0 {
- return Err(Self::Error::CreateError);
- }
- self.expected_length.set(self.expected_length.get() - 1);
- seed.deserialize(self).map(Some)
- }
pub fn sql_for_table<T: crate::model::Entity>() -> (String, String) {
pub fn sql_for_table<T: crate::model::Entity>() -> (String, String) {
- let elength = Rc::new(Cell::new(0));
- let mut cd = CreateDeserializer {
- struct_visited: false,
- column_types: Vec::new(),
- expected_length: elength,
- _de: std::marker::PhantomData {},
- };
- T::deserialize(&mut cd).expect("SQL creation failed!");
- // +1 to account for id column that is included in column_count
- assert_eq!(T::column_count(), cd.column_types.len() + 1);
+ let types = T::column_types();
let mut columns = vec!["id integer primary key".to_owned()];
let mut columns = vec!["id integer primary key".to_owned()];
@@ -190,7 +22,7 @@ pub fn sql_for_table<T: crate::model::Entity>() -> (String, String) {
"\"{}\" {}{}",
"\"{}\" {}{}",
- cd.column_types[i - 1],
+ types[i],
fk.last().unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string())
fk.last().unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string())
@@ -364,11 +196,32 @@ mod test {
fn test_vec() {
fn test_vec() {
- super::sql_for_table::<VecTest>(),
- (
- r#"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "vec_test""#.to_owned(),
- r#"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "vec_test" (id integer primary key,"e" integer,"test" text)"#.to_owned()
- )
+ super::sql_for_table::<VecTest>().1,
+ r#"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "vec_test" (id integer primary key,"e" integer,"test" blob)"#.to_owned()
+ #[derive(crate::Modelable, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
+ #[microrm_internal]
+ pub enum TestEnum {
+ A,
+ B,
+ C
+ }
+ #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, crate::Entity)]
+ #[microrm_internal]
+ pub struct EnumContainer {
+ before: usize,
+ e: TestEnum,
+ after: usize
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_enum() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ super::sql_for_table::<EnumContainer>().1,
+ r#"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "enum_container" (id integer primary key,"before" integer,"e" blob,"after" integer)"#.to_owned()
+ )
+ }