@@ -20,9 +20,68 @@
//! microrm pushes the Rust type system somewhat to provide better ergonomics, so the MSRV is
//! currently 1.75. Don't be scared off by the web of traits in the `schema` module --- you should
//! never need to interact with any of them!
+//! ### Examples
+//! For the simplest kind of database schema, a key-value store, one possible microrm
+//! implementation of it might look like the following:
+//! ```
+//! use microrm::prelude::*;
+//! #[derive(Entity)]
+//! struct KVEntry {
+//! #[key]
+//! key: String,
+//! value: String,
+//! }
+//! #[derive(Database)]
+//! struct KVDB {
+//! kvs: microrm::IDMap<KVEntry>,
+//! }
+//! # fn main() -> Result<(), microrm::Error> {
+//! let db = KVDB::open_path(":memory:")?;
+//! db.kvs.insert(KVEntry {
+//! key: "example_key".to_string(),
+//! value: "example_value".to_string()
+//! })?;
+//! // can get with a String reference
+//! assert_eq!(
+//! db.kvs.keyed(&String::from("example_key")).get()?.map(|v| v.value.clone()),
+//! Some("example_value".to_string()));
+//! // thanks to the QueryEquivalent trait, we can also just use a plain &str
+//! assert_eq!(
+//! db.kvs.keyed("example_key").get()?.map(|v| v.value.clone()),
+//! Some("example_value".to_string()));
+//! // obviously, if we get another KV entry with a missing key, it doesn't come back...
+//! assert_eq!(db.kvs.keyed("another_example_key").get()?.is_some(), false);
+//! // note that the above all return an Option<Stored<T>>. when using filters on arbitrary
+//! // columns, a Vec<Stored<T>> is returned:
+//! assert_eq!(
+//! db
+//! .kvs
+//! // note that the column constant uses CamelCase
+//! .with(KVEntry::Value, "example_value")
+//! .get()?
+//! .into_iter()
+//! .map(|v| v.wrapped().value).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+//! vec!["example_value".to_string()]);
+//! # Ok(())
+//! # }
+//! ```
+// this requires clippy 1.78
+// #![warn(clippy::empty_docs)]
// to make the proc_macros work inside the microrm crate; needed for tests and the metaschema.
extern crate self as microrm;
@@ -31,6 +90,8 @@ pub mod db;
mod query;
pub mod schema;
+pub use schema::{AssocDomain, AssocMap, AssocRange, IDMap, Relation, Serialized, Stored};
#[cfg(feature = "clap")]
pub mod cli;