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Cleanups and doc link fixes.

Kestrel 10 months ago
3 changed files with 4 additions and 206 deletions
  1. 3 3
  2. 0 202
  3. 1 1

+ 3 - 3

@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 //! - Providing an admin tool for services built on microrm.
 //! Broadly speaking, this module aims to play nicely with whatever other clap interface has been
-//! set up. The main entry point of interest is [`ClapInterface`], which is a clap `Subcommand`
+//! set up. The main entry point of interest is [`Autogenerate`], which is a clap `Subcommand`
 //! that can be included in an existing derived clap-parsed structure or enum; it can also be
 //! included into a clap parse tree if you are using clap's builder interfaces.
-//! Once a [`ClapInterface`] object has been constructed, the [`ClapInterface::perform`] method
+//! Once a [`Autogenerate`] object has been constructed, the [`Autogenerate::perform`] method
 //! will execute the constructed action, possibly deferring to a user-defined set of custom
-//! per-`CLIObject` commands.
+//! commands.
 use crate::{
     prelude::{Insertable, Queryable},

+ 0 - 202

@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-use crate::{
-    prelude::*,
-    schema::{
-        datum::{ConcreteDatumList, Datum, DatumDiscriminator, DatumDiscriminatorRef},
-        entity::{Entity, EntityID, EntityPart, EntityPartList, EntityPartVisitor, EntityVisitor},
-        relation::{Relation, RelationDomain, RelationMap, RelationRange},
-    },
-use super::{CLIError, EntityInterface, ValueRole};
-use clap::{FromArgMatches, Subcommand};
-// helper alias for later
-type UniqueList<E> = <<E as Entity>::Keys as EntityPartList>::DatumList;
-/// Type implementing `Subcommand` for a given entity and interface.
-pub struct ClapInterface<O: CLIObject, IC: InterfaceCustomization> {
-    verb: InterfaceVerb<O>,
-    _ghost: std::marker::PhantomData<IC>,
-impl<O: CLIObject, IC: InterfaceCustomization> ClapInterface<O, IC> {
-    /// Execute the action that this ClapInterface instance describes. Note that if `Spec` is
-    /// chosen as [`EmptyList`](../schema/entity/struct.EmptyList.html), the value passed for the
-    /// `spec` parameter should be the unit type, `()`.
-    pub fn perform(
-        &self,
-        data: &O::CommandData,
-        ic: &IC,
-        query_ctx: impl microrm::prelude::Queryable<EntityOutput = O>,
-        insert_ctx: &impl microrm::prelude::Insertable<O>,
-    ) -> Result<(), O::Error> {
-        match &self.verb {
-            InterfaceVerb::Attach {
-                local_keys,
-                relation,
-                remote_keys,
-            } => {
-                let local_keys = EntityKey::to_string_vec(local_keys, ic);
-                let remote_keys = EntityKey::to_string_vec(remote_keys, ic);
-                let outer_obj = query_ctx
-                    .keyed(
-                        UniqueList::<O>::build_equivalent(local_keys.iter().map(String::as_str))
-                            .unwrap(),
-                    )
-                    .get()?
-                    .ok_or(<O::Error>::no_such_entity(
-                        O::entity_name(),
-                        local_keys
-                            .iter()
-                            .cloned()
-                            .reduce(|a, b| format!("{},{}", a, b))
-                            .unwrap()
-                            .to_string(),
-                    ))?;
-                let mut attacher = Attacher {
-                    do_attach: true,
-                    relation,
-                    remote_keys,
-                    err: None,
-                    _ghost: Default::default(),
-                };
-                outer_obj.accept_part_visitor_ref(&mut attacher);
-                if let Some(err) = attacher.err {
-                    return Err(err);
-                }
-            },
-            InterfaceVerb::Create(params) => {
-                insert_ctx.insert(O::create_from_params(data, params)?)?;
-            },
-            InterfaceVerb::Delete(keys) => {
-                let keys = EntityKey::to_string_vec(keys, ic);
-                query_ctx
-                    .keyed(
-                        UniqueList::<O>::build_equivalent(keys.iter().map(String::as_str)).unwrap(),
-                    )
-                    .delete()?;
-            },
-            InterfaceVerb::Detach {
-                local_keys,
-                relation,
-                remote_keys,
-            } => {
-                let local_keys = EntityKey::to_string_vec(local_keys, ic);
-                let remote_keys = EntityKey::to_string_vec(remote_keys, ic);
-                let outer_obj = query_ctx
-                    .keyed(
-                        UniqueList::<O>::build_equivalent(local_keys.iter().map(String::as_str))
-                            .unwrap(),
-                    )
-                    .get()?
-                    .ok_or(<O::Error>::no_such_entity(
-                        O::entity_name(),
-                        local_keys
-                            .iter()
-                            .cloned()
-                            .reduce(|a, b| format!("{},{}", a, b))
-                            .unwrap()
-                            .to_string(),
-                    ))?;
-                let mut attacher = Attacher {
-                    do_attach: false,
-                    relation,
-                    remote_keys,
-                    err: None,
-                    _ghost: Default::default(),
-                };
-                outer_obj.accept_part_visitor_ref(&mut attacher);
-                if let Some(err) = attacher.err {
-                    return Err(err);
-                }
-            },
-            InterfaceVerb::ListAll => {
-                println!(
-                    "Listing all {}(s): ({})",
-                    O::entity_name(),
-                    query_ctx.clone().count()?
-                );
-                for obj in query_ctx.get()?.into_iter() {
-                    println!(" - {}", obj.shortname());
-                }
-            },
-            InterfaceVerb::Inspect(keys) => {
-                let keys = EntityKey::to_string_vec(keys, ic);
-                let obj = query_ctx
-                    .keyed(
-                        UniqueList::<O>::build_equivalent(keys.iter().map(String::as_str)).unwrap(),
-                    )
-                    .get()?
-                    .ok_or(<O::Error>::no_such_entity(
-                        O::entity_name(),
-                        keys.iter()
-                            .cloned()
-                            .reduce(|a, b| format!("{},{}", a, b))
-                            .unwrap()
-                            .to_string(),
-                    ))?;
-                println!("{:#?}", obj.as_ref());
-                fn inspect_ai<AI: RelationInterface>(name: &'static str, ai: &AI) {
-                    println!("{}: ({})", name, ai.count().unwrap());
-                    for a in ai.get().expect("couldn't get object relations") {
-                        println!("[#{:3}]: {:?}",, a.wrapped());
-                    }
-                }
-                struct RelationFieldWalker<E: Entity>(std::marker::PhantomData<E>);
-                impl<E: Entity> EntityPartVisitor for RelationFieldWalker<E> {
-                    type Entity = E;
-                    fn visit_datum<EP: EntityPart>(&mut self, datum: &EP::Datum) {
-                        struct Discriminator(&'static str);
-                        impl DatumDiscriminatorRef for Discriminator {
-                            fn visit_serialized<
-                                T: serde::Serialize + serde::de::DeserializeOwned,
-                            >(
-                                &mut self,
-                                _: &T,
-                            ) {
-                            }
-                            fn visit_bare_field<T: Datum>(&mut self, _: &T) {}
-                            fn visit_entity_id<E: Entity>(&mut self, _: &E::ID) {}
-                            fn visit_relation_map<E: Entity>(&mut self, amap: &RelationMap<E>) {
-                                inspect_ai(self.0, amap);
-                            }
-                            fn visit_relation_domain<R: Relation>(
-                                &mut self,
-                                adomain: &RelationDomain<R>,
-                            ) {
-                                inspect_ai(self.0, adomain);
-                            }
-                            fn visit_relation_range<R: Relation>(
-                                &mut self,
-                                arange: &RelationRange<R>,
-                            ) {
-                                inspect_ai(self.0, arange);
-                            }
-                        }
-                        datum.accept_discriminator_ref(&mut Discriminator(EP::part_name()));
-                    }
-                }
-                obj.accept_part_visitor_ref(&mut RelationFieldWalker(Default::default()));
-            },
-            InterfaceVerb::Extra(extra) => {
-                O::run_extra_command(data, extra, query_ctx, insert_ctx)?;
-            },
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }

+ 1 - 1

@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 //! [`RelationInterface`](prelude/trait.RelationInterface.html) and
 //! [`Insertable`](prelude/trait.Insertable.html) traits)
 //! - Command-line interface generation via the [`clap`]( crate
-//! (see [`cli::CLIObject`] and [`cli::ClapInterface`]; requires the optional crate feature `clap`)
+//! (see [`cli::Autogenerate`] and [`cli::EntityInterface`]; requires the optional crate feature `clap`)
 //! microrm pushes the Rust type system somewhat to provide better ergonomics, so the MSRV is
 //! currently 1.75. Don't be scared off by the web of traits in the `schema` module --- you should