@@ -1,10 +1,102 @@
-//! Layout calculations for the widget tree.
+//! Layout calculations for the widget tree. All layout calculations are performed on a tree of
+//! [`LayoutNode`]s, which are stored in various widget structs.
//! Layout calculations are done in two passes:
//! - **Arrangement**: computes minimum sizes, net size policies, and records parent/child relationships between
-//! nodes.
+//! nodes for optimization purposes.
//! - **Layout**: given minimum sizes and net size policies from the arrangement step, computes
-//! exact pixel values for positions and sizes.
+//! exact pixel values for positions and sizes by distributing the available space appropriately.
+//! Collectively, layout nodes form a tree structure with _externally_-stored edges. This is a
+//! slightly odd data structure, so it deserves some elaboration. In order to play nicely with
+//! Rust's borrow checker without using interior mutability (which comes with a large set of
+//! gotchas and a performance hit), when using internally-stored edges, layout nodes must be
+//! traversed from the root node to acquire a mutable reference to an interior node.
+//! To make this less awkward, the tree structure of the layout nodes -- and indeed the ownership
+//! of nodes -- is not stored directly in layout nodes themselves, but instead in a separate widget
+//! tree structure. At first this seems an unnecessary complication and major source of
+//! awkwardness, but it allows for a few very useful tricks:
+//! - Mutable references can be created for any number of nodes,
+//! - The entire layout tree need not be traversed to find a specific child,
+//! - There is no 1:1 requirement between widgets and layout nodes, so layout nodes can be used for
+//! internal alignment,
+//! - Layout is significantly easier to debug as it is by design entirely agnostic to details of
+//! the widgets involved,
+//! - Rather than numerical indices or similar awkward indexing schemes, nodes are simply stored as
+//! members of a struct and benefit from all the usual borrow checker behaviour.
+//! The tree structure is created by implementations of the [`LayoutTreeNode`] trait. Consider the
+//! following tree:
+//! ```text
+//! root --+-- child1
+//! |
+//! \-- child2 --+-- child2a
+//! |
+//! \-- child2b
+//! ```
+//! The following is one simplified way the structure can be imposed externally:
+//! ```
+//! # use patina::layout::*;
+//! trait Widget {
+//! fn lnode(&self) -> LayoutNodeAccess<'_>;
+//! }
+//! struct RootWidget {
+//! node: LayoutNode,
+//! label: LabelWidget,
+//! select: ChoiceWidget,
+//! }
+//! impl LayoutTreeNode<()> for RootWidget {
+//! fn current_node(&self) -> &LayoutNode { &self.node }
+//! fn child_count(&self) -> usize { 2 }
+//! fn child(&self, ndx: usize) -> Option<LayoutNodeAccess<'_>> {
+//! match ndx {
+//! 0 => Some(self.label.lnode()), // root -> child1 edge
+//! 1 => Some(self.select.lnode()), // root -> child2 edge
+//! _ => None
+//! }
+//! }
+//! }
+//! impl Widget for RootWidget {
+//! fn lnode(&self) -> LayoutNodeAccess<'_> {
+//! LayoutNodeAccess::new::<()>(self)
+//! }
+//! }
+//! struct LabelWidget {
+//! // see documentation on LeafLayoutNode for more details
+//! // this is basically a shortcut to avoid reimplementing LayoutTreeNode
+//! // to store a node with no children
+//! node: LeafLayoutNode
+//! }
+//! impl Widget for LabelWidget {
+//! fn lnode(&self) -> LayoutNodeAccess<'_> {
+//! self.node.access()
+//! }
+//! }
+//! struct ChoiceWidget {
+//! node: LayoutNode,
+//! choice1: LabelWidget,
+//! choice2: LabelWidget,
+//! }
+//! impl LayoutTreeNode<()> for ChoiceWidget {
+//! // elided for brevity
+//! # fn current_node(&self) -> &LayoutNode { &self.node }
+//! # fn child_count(&self) -> usize { 2 }
+//! # fn child(&self, ndx: usize) -> Option<LayoutNodeAccess<'_>> {
+//! # match ndx {
+//! # 0 => Some(self.choice1.lnode()),
+//! # 1 => Some(self.choice2.lnode()),
+//! # _ => None
+//! # }
+//! # }
+//! }
+//! impl Widget for ChoiceWidget {
+//! fn lnode(&self) -> LayoutNodeAccess<'_> {
+//! LayoutNodeAccess::new::<()>(self)
+//! }
+//! }
+//! ```
use std::{ops::Deref, rc::Rc};
@@ -14,12 +106,18 @@ use kahlo::math::{PixelBox, PixelSideOffsets};
mod arr;
mod cache;
mod calc;
+mod dump;
pub use cache::{LayoutCache, LayoutNodeID};
pub use calc::recalculate;
+pub use dump::*;
pub struct CellMarker;
+/// Type representing a single cell's coordinates in a table.
pub type TableCell = euclid::Point2D<usize, CellMarker>;
+/// Type representing the total size of a table.
pub type TableSize = euclid::Size2D<usize, CellMarker>;
/// Sizing policy for a layout dimension. Defaults to no minimum or desired size and a low-weighted
@@ -102,7 +200,9 @@ impl SizePolicy {
pub struct SizePolicyTag;
+/// A 2D size policy type using [`euclid`].
pub type SizePolicy2D = euclid::Size2D<SizePolicy, SizePolicyTag>;
impl std::ops::Add<Self> for SizePolicy {
@@ -130,6 +230,7 @@ impl Default for HorizontalAlignment {
+/// How to vertically align a smaller node inside a larger node.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub enum VerticalAlignment {
@@ -155,6 +256,7 @@ pub enum NodeBehaviour {
+/// Represents a layout style for a layout node to arrange its children with.
pub enum ChildArrangement {
Custom(std::rc::Rc<dyn arr::ArrangementCalculator>),
@@ -189,6 +291,10 @@ impl Deref for ChildArrangement {
+/// Type representing a single node in the layout tree.
+/// Notably, this struct is unaware of any edges it may participate in; see the module
+/// documentation for more information.
pub struct LayoutNode {
/// Human-readable label for making layout tree dumps easier to read.
label: Option<String>,
@@ -210,7 +316,7 @@ pub struct LayoutNode {
valign: VerticalAlignment,
/// User-exposed margins, or spacing between the parent and the render area of this node.
margin: PixelSideOffsets,
- /// Table row/column assignment for this node insite its parent.
+ /// Table row/column assignment for this node inside its parent.
table_cell: Option<TableCell>,
@@ -402,114 +508,6 @@ impl Drop for LayoutNode {
-fn dump_node_tree_helper(lna: LayoutNodeAccess, indent: usize, out: &mut String) {
- let ind = " ".repeat(indent);
- out.push_str(ind.as_str());
- out.push_str("Node (");
- out.push_str(match lna.label() {
- Some(v) => v,
- None => "<anon>",
- });
- out.push_str(
- format!(
- ") [wpol: {}/{}/{} hpol: {}/{}/{} behaviour: {:?} upd: {:?} rend: {:?}]\n",
- lna.width_policy.minimum,
- lna.width_policy.desired,
- lna.width_policy.slack_weight,
- lna.height_policy.minimum,
- lna.height_policy.desired,
- lna.height_policy.slack_weight,
- lna.behaviour,
- lna.with_state(|v| v.needs_update),
- lna.with_state(|v| v.needs_render),
- )
- .as_str(),
- );
- out.push_str(ind.as_str());
- out.push_str(" ");
- out.push_str(format!("net policy: {:?}\n", lna.with_state(|v| v.net_policy)).as_str());
- out.push_str(ind.as_str());
- out.push_str(" ");
- out.push_str(format!("render area: {:?}\n", lna.render_area()).as_str());
- for child in lna.child_iter() {
- dump_node_tree_helper(child, indent + 1, out);
- }
-pub fn dump_node_tree(lna: LayoutNodeAccess, out: &mut String) {
- dump_node_tree_helper(lna, 0, out);
-pub fn dump_tree_json<W: ?Sized + std::io::Write>(
- lna: LayoutNodeAccess,
- out: &mut std::io::BufWriter<W>,
-) -> std::io::Result<()> {
- use std::io::Write;
- write!(out, "{{")?;
- write!(out, "\"label\": \"{}\" ", lna.label().unwrap_or("null"))?;
- write!(
- out,
- ",\"id\": {} ",
- <LayoutNodeID as Into<usize>>::into(lna.id())
- )?;
- write!(out, ",\"behaviour\": \"{:?}\"", lna.behaviour())?;
- write!(out, ",\"child_arrangement\": \"{:?}\"", lna.arrangement())?;
- write!(
- out,
- ",\"width_policy\": [{},{},{}]",
- lna.width_policy().minimum,
- lna.width_policy().desired,
- lna.width_policy().slack_weight
- )?;
- write!(
- out,
- ",\"height_policy\": [{},{},{}]",
- lna.height_policy().minimum,
- lna.height_policy().desired,
- lna.height_policy().slack_weight
- )?;
- write!(out, ",\"halign\": \"{:?}\"", lna.halign())?;
- write!(out, ",\"valign\": \"{:?}\"", lna.valign())?;
- write!(
- out,
- ",\"margin\": {{\"top\": {}, \"bottom\": {}, \"left\": {}, \"right\": {}}}",
- lna.margin().top,
- lna.margin().bottom,
- lna.margin().left,
- lna.margin().right,
- )?;
- match lna.table_cell() {
- None => write!(out, ",\"table_cell\": null")?,
- Some(c) => write!(out, ",\"table_cell\": [{},{}]", c.x, c.y)?,
- }
- match lna.render_area() {
- None => write!(out, ",\"render_area\": null")?,
- Some(a) => write!(
- out,
- ",\"render_area\": [[{},{}],[{},{}]]",
- a.min.x, a.min.y, a.max.x, a.max.y
- )?,
- }
- write!(out, ",\"children\": [")?;
- let mut needs_sep = false;
- for child in lna.child_iter() {
- if needs_sep {
- out.write(",".as_bytes())?;
- } else {
- needs_sep = true;
- }
- dump_tree_json(child, out)?;
- }
- write!(out, r#"]}}"#)?;
- Ok(())
/// Iterator implementation to iterate across children of a LayoutNodeContainer
struct LayoutChildIter<'l> {
@@ -537,6 +535,7 @@ impl<'l> Iterator for LayoutChildIter<'l> {
+/// Accessor trait for a struct that stores edge information for the layout tree.
pub trait LayoutTreeNode<Tag: 'static> {
fn current_node(&self) -> &LayoutNode;
fn child_count(&self) -> usize;
@@ -559,6 +558,10 @@ fn child_dispatch<'l, Tag: 'static>(dynptr: DynPtr, ndx: usize) -> Option<Layout
unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<_, &'l dyn LayoutTreeNode<Tag>>(dynptr).child(ndx) }
+/// Edge-aware accessor for a [`LayoutNode`].
+/// Use this struct if you wish to accept arbitrary [`LayoutNode`]s and require information about
+/// the layout tree as well.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct LayoutNodeAccess<'l> {
current_node_func: fn(DynPtr) -> &'l LayoutNode,
@@ -609,7 +612,14 @@ impl<'l> Deref for LayoutNodeAccess<'l> {
-/// Helper struct to store a leaf LayoutNode and automatically provide a LayoutTreeNode impl
+/// Helper struct to store a leaf LayoutNode and automatically provide a [`LayoutTreeNode`]
+/// implementation.
+/// This helps avoid repetitive reimplementations of [`LayoutTreeNode`] when a container stores a
+/// node with no children.
+/// If you're reading this documentation, you probably want the [`LeafLayoutNode::access`]
+/// function, which gives a [`LayoutNodeAccess`].
pub struct LeafLayoutNode(LayoutNode);
impl LeafLayoutNode {
@@ -652,3 +662,9 @@ impl LayoutTreeNode<()> for LeafLayoutNode {
+/*macro_rules! layout_tree {
+ ($ctype:ident, $($tag:ident => $nname:ident | [$($ctag:ident),*]),*) => {
+ };