## schrift-rs [libschrift](https://github.com/tomolt/libschrift) is a lightweight TrueType rendering library implemented in C, and this crate wraps the libschrift library into safe Rust. The result is a font loading and glyph rendering crate with no runtime dependencies other than the C and Rust standard libraries. The following example code renders a single glyph into a PGM file: ```rust use schrift_rs::*; let font = Font::load_from_file( concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/libschrift/resources/FiraGO-Regular.ttf")).unwrap(); let sch = Schrift::build(font) .with_scale(10.0) .flag_y_downwards() .build(); let aglyph = sch .glyph_lookup('a') .expect("couldn't look up lowercase 'a'"); let mut pxdata = vec![0u8; 256]; sch.render(aglyph, pxdata.as_mut_slice(), 16, 16).expect("couldn't render lowercase 'a'"); let mut pgm = String::new(); pgm.push_str("P2\n16 16\n255\n"); for y in 0..16 { for x in 0..16 { pgm.push_str(format!(" {}", pxdata[x + (y * 16)]).as_str()); } pgm.push_str("\n"); } std::fs::write(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "render_test.pgm"), pgm).unwrap(); ```