@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
//! never need to interact with any of them!
//! ### Examples
+//! #### KV-store
//! For the simplest kind of database schema, a key-value store, one possible microrm
//! implementation of it might look like the following:
@@ -74,7 +74,142 @@
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
+//! ```
+//! #### Simple e-commerce schema
+//! The following is an example of what a simple e-commerce website's schema might look like,
+//! tracking products, users, and orders.
+//! ```rust
+//! use microrm::prelude::*;
+//! #[derive(Entity)]
+//! pub struct ProductImage {
+//! // note that because this references an entity's autogenerated ID type,
+//! // this is a foreign key. if the linked product is deleted, the linked
+//! // ProductImages will also be deleted.
+//! pub product: ProductID,
+//! pub img_data: Vec<u8>,
+//! }
+//! #[derive(Entity, Clone)]
+//! pub struct Product {
+//! #[key]
+//! pub title: String,
+//! pub longform_body: String,
+//! pub images: microrm::RelationMap<ProductImage>,
+//! pub cost: f64,
+//! }
+//! pub struct CustomerOrders;
+//! impl microrm::Relation for CustomerOrders {
+//! type Domain = Customer;
+//! type Range = Order;
+//! const NAME: &'static str = "CustomerOrders";
+//! // at most one customer per order
+//! const INJECTIVE: bool = true;
+//! }
+//! #[derive(Entity)]
+//! pub struct Customer {
+//! pub orders: microrm::RelationDomain<CustomerOrders>,
+//! #[key]
+//! pub email: String,
+//! #[unique]
+//! pub legal_name: String,
+//! #[elide]
+//! pub password_salt: String,
+//! #[elide]
+//! pub password_hash: String,
+//! }
+//! #[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
+//! pub enum OrderState {
+//! AwaitingPayment,
+//! PaymentReceived { confirmation: String },
+//! ProductsReserved,
+//! Shipped { tracking_no: String },
+//! OnHold { reason: String },
+//! }
+//! #[derive(Entity)]
+//! pub struct Order {
+//! pub order_state: microrm::Serialized<Vec<OrderState>>,
+//! pub customer: microrm::RelationRange<CustomerOrders>,
+//! pub shipping_address: String,
+//! pub billing_address: Option<String>,
+//! // we'll assume for now that there's no product multiplicities
+//! pub contents: microrm::RelationMap<Product>,
+//! }
+//! #[derive(Database)]
+//! pub struct ECommerceDB {
+//! pub products: microrm::IDMap<Product>,
+//! pub customers: microrm::IDMap<Customer>,
+//! pub orders: microrm::IDMap<Order>,
+//! }
+//! # fn main() -> Result<(), microrm::Error> {
+//! // open a database instance
+//! let db = ECommerceDB::open_path(":memory:")?;
+//! // add an example product
+//! let widget1 = db.products.insert_and_return(Product {
+//! title: "Widget Title Here".into(),
+//! longform_body: "The first kind of widget that WidgetCo produces.".into(),
+//! cost: 100.98,
+//! images: Default::default()
+//! })?;
+//! // add an image for the product
+//! widget1.images.insert(ProductImage {
+//! product: widget1.id(),
+//! img_data: [/* image data goes here */].into(),
+//! });
+//! // sign us up for this most excellent ecommerce website
+//! let customer1 = db.customers.insert_and_return(Customer {
+//! email: "your@email.here".into(),
+//! legal_name: "Douglas Adams".into(),
+//! password_salt: "pepper".into(),
+//! password_hash: "browns".into(),
+//! orders: Default::default(),
+//! })?;
+//! // put in an order for the widget!
+//! let mut order1 = db.orders.insert_and_return(Order {
+//! order_state: vec![OrderState::AwaitingPayment].into(),
+//! customer: Default::default(),
+//! shipping_address: "North Pole, Canada, H0H0H0".into(),
+//! billing_address: None,
+//! contents: Default::default(),
+//! })?;
+//! order1.contents.connect_to(widget1.id())?;
+//! order1.customer.connect_to(customer1.id())?;
+//! // Now get all products that customer1 has ever ordered
+//! let all_ordered = customer1.orders.join(Order::Contents).get()?;
+//! assert_eq!(all_ordered, vec![widget1]);
+//! // process the payment for our order by updating the entity
+//! order1.order_state.as_mut().push(
+//! OrderState::PaymentReceived {
+//! confirmation: "money received in full, promise".into()
+//! }
+//! );
+//! // now synchronize the entity changes back into the database
+//! order1.sync()?;
+//! # Ok(())
+//! # }
//! ```
@@ -90,6 +225,7 @@ pub mod db;
mod query;
pub mod schema;
+pub use schema::index::Index;
pub use schema::relation::{Relation, RelationDomain, RelationMap, RelationRange};
pub use schema::{IDMap, Serialized, Stored};